Understanding Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the types of headaches are the most common and is often regarded as an ordinary headache. Tension headache sufferers typically experience pain continuously on both sides of the head. Other symptoms are neck muscles tense and felt pressure behind the eyes.
 Tension headaches are the types of headaches are the most common and is often regarded as Understanding Tension Headaches
However, the disease is usually not hamper the sufferer to move. Tension headaches can last for 30 minutes up to several hours. In some more severe cases, symptoms can last for several days.

Tension Headache sufferers in Indonesia
Tension headaches are usually suffered by teenagers and adults. Almost everyone has experienced tension headaches, although the disease is more often among women than men.

Prompts for directed toward Doctor Consult
If you experience severe tension headaches or more than a few times a week, you are advised to consult a doctor. But this is not necessary if you only experience it occasionally. To help diagnose the type of headache you are experiencing, your doctor will ask questions about:
  • Experienced headaches
  • Family medical history
  • Dietary habit
  • Lifestyle
There are several symptoms of headache that can be considered more seriously and you are advised to consult a doctor if experiencing in order to avoid more serious complications. Its features include:
  • Emerged after the accident, especially if there is a clash in head
  • Came suddenly and never before
  • Accompanied by nausea and vomiting, stiff neck, fever , and absent-minded
  • Accompanied by a sense of weakness, slurred speech and numbness
Things that Can Cause Tension Headaches
Keep in mind that the causes of tension headaches is still unclear, but the following are some factors trigger:
  • Dehydration
  • Hunger
  • Fatigue
  • Scorching sun
  • Noise
  • Certain scent
  • Stress and panic
  • Bad posture
The body is less active
Tension headaches are one type of headache basic and not a symptom that is not caused by other diseases. In other words, tension headaches are primary disease. Other types of headaches that are included in this category are cluster headaches and migraines.

How to Treat Tension Headaches
Tension headaches is not a severe disease. By taking a painkiller (analgesic) and choose a healthier lifestyle, this disease can be overcome easily. Examples of commonly used analgesic is paracetamol , ibuprofen , and aspirin.

The procedure for adoption is very important for us when choosing an analgesic. In addition, it is recommended for pregnant women to stay away from ibuprofen when reaching the third trimester of pregnancy (last three months) as ibuprofen could potentially harm the fetus. So even with children under 16 years are also not advised to take aspirin.

Patients are not recommended to take the drugs more than a few days because it can cause headaches of excess drug. Drugs containing codeine should also be avoided unless they have been given as a prescription from a doctor.

Patients can also choose to do some relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, massage, and warm towels to compress the forehead and neck. Regular relaxation techniques is recommended for those who suffer from tension headaches due to stress.

Preventive measures Tension Headaches
Patients are advised to take note or learn anything that might trigger tension headaches experienced. Thus the patient can avoid trigger factors, including changing diet or lifestyle for prevention.

Stress and tension between the patient can also be reduced by exercising regularly or with relaxation. Other ways that can help maintain a healthy body is still ideal, rest, and drink plenty of water.

In some cases more difficult to treat, your doctor may suggest antidepressants such as amitriptyline . This medication is used to prevent tension headaches ongoing (chronic). This medication does not work immediately and should be taken every day for several months until the headache was reduced. Keep in mind that treatment with these drugs have not been proven with certainty.

Headaches and Drug Excess
Headaches because of excess medication can usually experienced by people who take analgesic drugs for a long time (usually 10 days or more). The patient's body has to adapt to the drug and the headache will arise when patients stop taking them. If the cause of your headache is sustained drug use, you are advised to stop using. It would be better if you consult a doctor before discontinuing use.


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