Windows 10 Upgrade Problems And Solutions

Have Some Computer Problems Before or After Upgrading Windows 10?
Hello, are you wondering to upgrade your Windows XP, 7 or 8 into the newest Windows 10, but, still have some problems to resolve before the upgrade? Or you do have already updated your computer operating system into Windows 10 and also get some unknown computer issues? No panic! Here, you can read more related computer problems and solutions before or after upgrading Windows 10 of your PC.

Here Are Some Common Problems and Solutions for Windows 10 Upgrade
Honestly, many people out there encounter some problems before or after upgrading their Windows 10 operating system. So, you are not the only and just calm down yourselves at first. And then, read the below common problems and the corresponding solutions to see whether you can also get some useful clues to resolve yours:
1). Computer restarts frequently after windows 10 Upgrading
After updating your PC operating system into Windows 10, just find that your computer restarts often without reasons? OK! Such computer issues could happen due to pirated Windows 10 operating system. Do you download it from the Microsoft official site or other authorized or safe sites? If not, it could be the fake or virus infected copies. You’d better scan your PC with antivirus software thoroughly and go download and install the authorized versions instead.
2). Computer gets crashed or black screen of death issues from time to time
After the OS upgrade, your computer also suddenly get crashed or turns into black screen from time to time? OK! Firstly, the related problems are able to be caused by computer driver issues. You’d better go check your PC drivers and go see whether you need to update, repair or re-download your computer drivers.
And secondly, if you do find no driver issues, merely restart your computer with safe mode and see whether you will encounter the same black screen or blue screen problems. If not, such computer problems are possible to be aroused by the third-party apps. Just go find and remove the programs that bring you such problems.   
And, thirdly, such computer crashing or black screen issues are also able to occur due to corrupted hard drive or hard drive problems. Also go test your PC hard drive with CHKDSK.
3).You cannot get on the internet with your PC after Windows 10 OS upgrade
When you also cannot go online to do your things after changing the computer Windows OS from 7 or 8 into 10? OK, do not panic! In such cases, you can easily reset your computer to fix everything in some common cases.
At first, restart your PC, connect the internet manually and check whether you can get on the internet this time.
And then, click "Win + R" to open Run tool, enter "cmd" and click OK. And then, type "netsh winsock reset". And, reopen your desired websites to have another try.
And at last, if your computer network issues still could not be resolved. OK! It could be caused by the Windows 10 operating system issues. Just go check it and see whether it is necessary to reinstall it on your PC.
Of course, these all attempts could be acted when you are 100 % sure that your computer gets no internet connection problems.

4). Computer starts up too slowly after OS upgrading
Honestly, no matter whether you do have performed a Windows 10 OS upgrading on your computer, such related too slow computer startup happens occasionally. And, there are often some common methods for you to speed it up as below:
*Clean your computer internal hard drive
Computer performance is largely affected by the computer internal hard drive free space. The higher your PC hard drive usage is, the slower your computer performance will be. Hence, clean the computer hard drive to free up more space, including deleting hard drive files and folders, removing unused programs and games, defragging the PC hard drive, formatting harddrive partitions and more.
*Remove unused startup programs
In these days, many people set some startup programs for the convenient use in the future or some programs are designed with a default startup setting. It could be good for computer users in some degree. However, once there are too many programs, games or processes added to the startup list, the computer rebooting speed will also be negatively affected. Hence, disable some unneeded start programs.
*Uninstall the original Windows operating system
Have you removed the original Windows XP, 7 or 8 versions before you upgrade your Windows 10? If not, the original version will not only occupy the computer resources and also may conflict with your newly upgraded Windows 10 versions, especially when you do have saved and installed both of them all on the same C partition or else storage devices. So, go uninstall the original OS version completely.
Of course, if you do want to use dual OS, also go find and follow some professional articles to set your PC.
Overall, in such cases, you are always supposed to reset your computer rightly.

5). Computer says password error on startup screen after Windows 10 update
Computer gives password error messages on startup screen when you are asked to enter the user name and password after Windows 10 update? OK! Generally speaking, such password error problems happen due to wrong password or user name problems or computer operating system wrongly forbidding some users or the likes.
Hence, when you get such password error warning, go reenter the right user name and password to another try. And, it could be better try it with direktur user name and password.
But, if you do also get the same warning messages, your newly installed Windows 10 OS may block the wrong PC users. You’d better go reinstall the Windows 10 to correct it.
And in case of any unexpected OS issues again, you’d better search for the Windows 10 upgrading guidance over the internet and follow its instructions to install the OS step by step this time.

And, here are some major problems and solutions for you after upgrading Windows 10 OS. If you do find your actual issues above, just follow the offered clues to fix them. However, if you do not find your issues there, also do not feel depressing, there are always many articles and guidance over the internet. And, if necessary, also take your computer with Windows 10 upgrading to some local computer repairing shops or agencies to ask for some professional suggestions. 

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